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Hello and thank you for visiting my page! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is  Stephanie "StephyLionne" Ellsworth. Lionne- French for Lioness. I was born and raised in Southampton County, Virginia. I developed a love for writing at a young age and it became a way for me to express myself without imposing my opinions on others. It also became a way for me to communicate what I'm unable to express verbally.

Some of my authoress accomplishments: A member of the Writing Challenge writing "club", Member of Writer's Unite on Facebook, personally interviewed the following authors ( Martin McConnell and Carl Hackman) and Founder of Cover 2 Cover Book Club. 


My goal as an author is to write a story:

  • so intriguing that the reader forgets where they are in reality because they are so involved in my story.

  • so realistic that the reader feels as if they know my characters personally or somehow become a part of the character’s family/

  • so detailed that they see the picture of the character or setting right before their eyes.

  • so entertaining that it stay glued to the hands of my supporter (kinda like their cell phones)


Interested in knowing more about me? Visit this website to read my exclusive interview–>








About StephyLionne

It is my goal and dream to be able to connect with individuals around the world through words. I have made it my mission to create realistic stories and writing pieces that will allow individuals, especially avid readers, to indulge and delve between the pages of my book in such a way that they forget the realistic surroundings. I dream of having a fan base that excitedly looks forward to my next book. I want to create a life for those who feel they have no life, merely with words alone. I desire to paint a picture so vividly clear that the reader can place themselves in the middle of the story's setting. I want to bring life through words.

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